Devesh Sharma of WPKube

Devesh Sharma – Founder of WPKube

July 11, 2021 / Bloggers / 0 comments

I am Devesh Sharma, founder of a relatively popular and one of the oldest WordPress resource sites called WPKube. I currently live in Bali, Indonesia but I grew up in India and studied Bachelors of Business Administration.

The Journey Began

I have been using WordPress ever since I can remember, I did however spend a few months playing/using a CMS, Pligg (it doesn’t seem to exist anymore but used to be a popular platform for building social booking sites).

It began with a tech/blogging tips blog, where I ended up using WordPress and realized how much it had to offer including community support, tools, and other services. Even back then the support & tools available was better than any other CMS software.

After a couple of months, I started providing WordPress services and was making around $1k/month. I don’t do that anymore but that’s how I got into WordPress initially.

The Need for WPKube

WPKube Logo

WPKube Logo

When I started WPKube (circa 2010), there weren’t as many WordPress blogs as there are now. I can remember there were only a handful of sites that focused on providing WordPress guides or tutorials.

I think the big challenge for me initially was the language, as English isn’t my first language; I used to (probably still do) make a lot of grammatical errors when writing articles. I think the proud moment was when after years of working hard, I finally started seeing some real growth.

Besides WPKube, I founded MeridianThemes that fills a very small gap in WordPress and we have been doing well since we first started. It is a small boutique theme shop with premium support.

My Workplace

Devesh Sharma Workplace

Devesh Sharma Workplace

Advice for Business Owners

If you want to start your own business, do it now. Don’t wait for a perfect time in the future. Another thing building a business takes patience, it took me at least a few years before I started making enough to live off of it.

If you ask me about the perfect niche as of now, I think the education (i.e. creating courses) is doing really well.

I’d recommend checking out Starter Story & Indie Hackers to get some ideas.


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WordPress & Beyond

Right now, I am trying to focus more on one project, instead of spreading myself too thin. The main goal for this year is to produce more high-quality content with real tests/benchmarks, for example, we did a guide on top hosting providers by actually purchasing all the hosting accounts & domains ourselves.

Apart from that, I also want to start doing videos, but it is probably going to take a long time before we see anything ☺.

WordPress has been growing very fast and it is great to see how it has grown in the last 10 years. I think in the next five years we will see more and more developers building tools or plugins based on block editors.

I don’t think there is any threat to WordPress yet but other website builders are spending a lot on campaigns to get WordPress market-share. Wix recently took a direct aim at WordPress by sending Bose Noise-canceling headphones.

My Love for the WordPress Community

Unfortunately, I have never attended any WordCamp, however, I have donated to many but have never been able to attend one. And how the world is going right now I don’t think I’d be able to attend one anytime soon :D.

How I Keep Myself Updated

I usually keep an eye on my Twitter feed and subscribed to WPTavern.

I Have a Life Other Than the Work

I love beaches where I spend most of my free time. Usually (or at least the last few years), most of my holidays have been spent apart from my family.

I think it is safe to say my favorite travel destination is Bali ☺.

I Reward Myself by

I reward myself by traveling to different countries or going to new places.

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