Chris Castillo of Team Propel Digital Media Solutions

Chris Castillo – Founder of Propel Digital Media Solutions

August 1, 2021 / Agencies / 0 comments

My name is Chris Castillo and I’m the founder of Propel Digital Media Solutions – a Canadian digital marketing agency. We specialize in designing and building kick-ass websites as well as SEO and PPC campaigns.

The Journey Began

I started learning to build websites at the age of 12 when my dad taught me to write HTML. It was a time when the internet looked very different! Hey BBSs, I remember you!

I studied computer engineering and after over 15 years in the technology industry, I decided to start my own business. Propel was founded as a side-hustle while I was working for a Canadian distributor of Thermo Fisher Scientific PXRF analyzers. I worked double-duty working a 9 to 5 and then going home to prospect, execute, and grow my business.

The Need for Propel

Propel Digital Media Solutions Logo

Propel Digital Media Solutions Logo

As someone very passionate about code (developer/programmer for over 15 years 👋), and very detailed and creative (studied at a school of arts), I knew I had a combination of skills that could be very powerful in the marketing world.

The need for Propel started with a need to break out of the traditional working-class model and build a long-term asset for me and my family. I quickly discovered that there are a lot of companies out there that are looking for someone to help them execute their marketing with the quality and attention to detail that they put into their own businesses’ products and services.

The need for Propel then transformed from a self-serving need, to a need to help businesses by providing them with the highest quality services that are centered around them, their business, and their growth.

To keep to that goal, we’ve focused on limiting our services to three core services that are both complementary and highly valuable for a business: website design and development, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising.

Myself with my Brilliant Team

I’m proud to have the team that we’ve got. They are all so very talented and I’m lucky to have them on our side.

Team Propel Digital Media Solutions

Team Propel Digital Media Solutions

Advice for Business Owners

There’s a message I heard once that I think is powerful, it goes something like:

Don’t focus on obstacles. Focus on the path forward. If a downhill skier focused his thoughts on not hitting a tree, the obstacles, that person is more likely to hit a tree. If instead, that skier focused his thoughts on staying on the path, all he’ll see is the path.”

The following is a quote that I’ve lived by:

Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis Of Assisi

Starting my business as a side-hustle had a unique impact on my perspective. I knew that I couldn’t focus on what other people were doing because my journey would take much longer than theirs, and I had to be patient and focus on my path.

I think business owners should all approach their businesses with patience and understanding that if you tackle one thing at a time, over time you’ll inevitably achieve something awesome.


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WordPress & Beyond

As a primarily WordPress-based agency, we love WordPress. It’s an incredibly versatile platform, and we’ve tailored a lot of our core website development processes and systems around WordPress.

I personally love Gutenberg because it makes it easy for end-users to easily create better content. As an agency, I think we’ll continue to use WordPress for years and years to come.

My Love for the WordPress Community

To help the greater WordPress and digital marketing community, I created a Facebook group several years ago called Supercharge Your Web Agency, a place for like-minded people to share insights about their business, seek help, and share knowledge.

I’ve also attended several WordCamps (pre-pandemic) and most of my Facebook friends are WordPress agency owners or freelancers.

How I Keep Myself Updated

Aside from catching news and updates in my Facebook group, there are also several other groups on Facebook that are incredible resources. Some that are top-of-mind are:

I Have a Life Other Than the Work

My life outside of work is spent with my beautiful wife and kids. You’ll often find them on my Facebook timeline. I also love cooking and watching cooking shows like Masterchef and The Final Table.

I Reward Myself by

Taking a few days off work here and there and taking my family out for a road trip. We live about an hour and a half away from Toronto, in the countryside and we love discovering new places around our neck of the woods. We also love going to our friend’s farm to feed the horses and chickens!

Connect With Me

Drop me a message on Facebook, join my Facebook group, or connect with me through one of my social profiles:

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