Tadej Bogataj of CartBoss

Tadej Bogataj – Co-founder of CartBoss

December 3, 2021 / Plugins / 0 comments

I am Tadej Bogataj, the Co-Founder of CartBoss, a service for recovering abandoned carts with text messages on autopilot. My business partner and I are both from Slovenia, a small country from Europe with a strong presence in the eCommerce market.

The Journey Began

When I started to get into eCommerce as a developer, content management systems were the fastest solution to roll out new projects. I explored various different options on the market including Joomla, OpenCart, and Magento. For me, none of them offered a solution that would offer the flexibility and simplicity as WordPress did. The large support from the community was also a huge bonus.

I started to get heavily involved in the development of eCommerce websites until I started a business doing just that. We focused on high-performance online shops that operate in the EU market. During that time I met my future business partner who was also developing eCommerce websites for large companies.

We regularly collaborated on ways on how to grow conversion rates and optimize marketing spending for the clients we both had.

One of the areas of marketing optimization was abandoned cart recovery which we were both fascinated by. We believed that emails were a thing of the past and that there must be a better way.

We wanted to reach more people who abandoned the checkout process as fast as possible within a time frame when they were still considering buying the product.

This is how we got to the idea of sending text messages to recover abandoned carts. We named our solution CartBoss.

The Need for CartBoss

CartBoss Logo
CartBoss Logo

We researched the idea of using text messages as a way of getting in touch with the people who abandoned their shopping carts and found statistics that were just unimaginable compared to emails.

Text messages have an open rate of 93% within the first 3 minutes of receiving them and an overall open rate of 99%. We knew this was the way to go.

There were a few competitors on the market but fortunately, we were both working closely with big eCommerce companies and knew the challenges they were facing on a daily basis – one of them was the lack of time.

To offer a better solution than the competition we knew we had to make a simple solution that companies could start using within just a few minutes after registration. So, we prepared, tested, and optimized our own text messages, got them translated, and made a complete service completely automated.

CartBoss Dashboard
CartBoss Dashboard

In order to really offer the best-converting messages, we also contacted people from every country in which the message was written to truly confirm that the message is correctly translated.

We made our solution for recovering abandoned carts with text messages as simple to use as possible with minimal settings required from our users. Not only does CartBoss automatically detect and send text messages in the language of the recipient but it does so much more to save time for our users and optimize conversion rates to the maximum possible.

CartBoss Abandoned Carts
CartBoss Abandoned Carts

Upon clicking on the link in the message for recovering the abandoned cart, the visitor gets redirected to the checkout which is already prefilled with all their information and has the special offer – if offered in the message – included in the cart automatically, without the need to input the coupon code.

The store owner does not have to do anything! The coupon codes are automatically generated and, in order to offer optimal website performance, in the long run, deleted after a while.

CartBoss Triggers
CartBoss Triggers

From the start we wanted store owners to have a solution, with which they would have no work – a plug and play solution, that would generate revenue on autopilot without any additional costs for copywriters or translators.

We also wanted to give as many options as possible for the store owners to offer to their customers. Besides basic abandoned cart notifications, you can send fixed or percentage discounts, a free shipping offer, free gifts, and much more!

You can set as many text messages as you want and define the time delay for each one. Once a cart has been restored, we do not send any more text messages, even if there are more set in the funnel. In addition, to optimize costs, we validate each phone number, so that no messages are sent unnecessarily.

In order for our solution to even be useful, we had to make it compliant with the laws where we offer sending the messages – the GDPR legislation being one of them. We spent countless hours communicating with our lawyers in order to offer a solution that is safe for our users to use in their online stores.

Some of the features we had to incorporate in CartBoss like the “do not disturb mode”, where text messages are not being sent during night hours, and automatic unsubscribe links in every text message, positively affected the satisfaction of the recipients of the messages and actually grew the conversion rates.

Myself with my Brilliant Team

Tadej Bogataj Workplace
Tadej Bogataj Workplace

Advice for Business Owners

What I learned with owning a SaaS business so far is the importance of customer support and satisfaction. It is not the number of customers that you have but the satisfaction and listening to the needs of the existing ones.

Optimize what you offer and make it as simple as possible to use. Only after everything that your service offers is perfected for your customers then start adding new features.

In addition, take your time with adding new features and constantly keep in touch with your customers to get as much feedback as possible. A happy customer is a customer that will continue using your service. That is why we at CartBoss focus so much on offering the best user experience possible.

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WordPress & Beyond

Our main focus is to grow the number of users. We have been steadily growing and want to keep that trend. That is why we are expanding our solution to other platforms and offering our services in new continents.

In addition, we want to expand our services beyond just recovering abandoned carts to other ways our customers can generate revenue with text messages. But first, we want to focus on as many different functionalities as we can think of regarding abandoned cart recovery via text messages.

WordPress has been growing in popularity and ease of use, and I can only see it becoming more and more popular, offering even better performance and security in the years to come. I believe that some features, that are currently only available via plugins, will become a default part of WordPress.

There have been some new content management systems that I noticed in the past years, but they are mostly focused on specific audiences. Because WordPress has such a big user base, I do not see any real threat of it becoming obsolete.

My Love for the WordPress Community

I have attended various WordPress meetups in the past but due to the current Covid situation, this is not possible. I keep in touch with the people from the WordPress community on social media and have occasional calls to discuss various new topics related to eCommerce and WordPress/WooCommerce.

I also have a lot of meetings with other WordPress-related companies on a daily basis, so I actually feel that I am embedded in the WordPress community even more than before.

How I Keep Myself Updated

Regular communication with our existing clients is crucial for the growth of our business as they let us know what features they are missing and what new features they would like to see next. It also helps us optimize the user experience making it easier for them to use CartBoss.

In addition, reading a lot of statistical results about various fields where we operate helps with the decisions on what new features to add. There is also a lot of psychology and marketing-related topics involved in what we do, so books and blogs on this subject are a definite bonus to help grow our business.

I Have a Life Other Than the Work

It is important to take a bit of time off during the day to exercise and cook a healthy meal as it clears your head of all the information you have in your head. A solid work-life balance makes you more productive and you come up with better ideas for your business.

I Reward Myself by 

CartBoss has been a project that has been more successful than I have ever imagined. Seeing the company grow is a reward of its own.

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