Yoni Luksenberg of Elementor

Yoni Luksenberg – Co-founder of Elementor

April 10, 2020 / Plugins / 0 comments

My name is Yoni Luksenberg and I am from Bnei Brak, Israel. I’ve been working with WordPress for close to ten years now. Before that, I was a video editor and used to work with animating flash banners.

One day, I met Ariel (who co-founded Elementor with me) and he introduced me to WordPress.

The Journey Began

Ariel taught me about the power of WordPress communities and its open-source nature and also about product development and creating community-driven products. He also took me to my first WordCamp and introduced me to the key members of the WordPress community

For the past few years, WordPress served as the OS on top of which we built our business. We firmly believe in WordPress and are certain in its success.

The Need for Elementor

Elementor Logo

Elementor Logo

There are many tools that you can use to create websites, but Elementor is the top choice for professionals who actually make a living from building and managing sites.

Our motto is to focus on creation and innovation and not on chasing competitors. We have a clear vision that serves as our compass, guiding us towards the right path forward.

But it wasn’t always rainbows and butterflies, especially at the start. Every journey has its hurdles and this is the first time we’ve built an international business.

Before the launch of Elementor, we experienced many hardships and challenges in our previous ventures. We never managed to bring previous products to this kind of success. We created themes and poured every ounce of effort (and little cash) we had but they failed to bring the success we wanted. We were even rejected by ThemeForest, but luckily, we didn’t give up, and simply created a much better solution 🙂

I am proud of our determination and perseverance. The ‘never give up‘ spirit, and to always continue on the creative journey made us what we are today.

Besides Elementor, we developed a few plugins and founded Pojo, a premium WordPress theme provider.

Myself with my Brilliant Team

Yoni Luksenberg with his Team

Meet the Team

Advice for Business Owners

Never develop a key, and then look for the lock it would open. Find the lock first, then try to pick it using different keys.

Also, I see a lot of people asking if the perfect niche or the perfect industry. For those people, I would like to say that success doesn’t lay in a particular market or a product. Success will come at your doorstep if you solve a real pain the user is experiencing, and persist in solving more pains and staying in communication with your potential customers.

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WordPress & Beyond

We started our journey from personal pain, the pain we experienced as web designers and developers. This pain helped form the vision for Elementor: empower web creators.

Beyond the financial aspects, we see this as a calling. The more success we achieve, the more we want to do to help our users. This is why I think our path forward lays in helping web creators build a professional career that is sustainable for the long term.

As part of the WordPress ecosystem, I’d love to see a more stable and cohesive WordPress in the next five years. Nowadays, there are too many themes and plugins that do not adhere to basic quality and code standards and the end-user is the main victim of this phenomenon.

I’d love to see more mature WordPress-based products and companies. I believe there will be more product businesses in the WordPress ecosystem that develop and become real companies like Elementor is today. To get there, I think we’re going to see more mergers and acquisitions in the near future.

This is important because in the past we have seen a long list of iconic companies that were dethroned (Blackberry, Nokia, Motorola, Kodak, Blockbuster and more). Hopefully, WordPress won’t have the same fate.

History draws a clear picture: to survive, lead and thrive, companies have to continue to improve and adapt according to the demands and requirements of its customers.

I believe in Matt, and I think he knows better than most when to make the right decisions that will ensure WordPress’s future. He did it well for the years since WordPress was launched, and I think he’ll continue doing so.

My Love for the WordPress Community

I love the WordPress community and which is why I try to attend the bigger WordCamps. Attending events helps me feel the vibe of our community. It’s refreshing to hear about their daily routine, notice any new challenges they may be facing and that we can help with.

Each event I attend I get to meet new friends from the industry, and this is an integral part of WordPress events.

How I Keep Myself Updated

I’m a lifelong learner. I read content all the time, subscribe to dozens of newsletters, follow hundreds of influencers on social media, consume books and listen to podcasts. The way I see it, you can always broaden your perspective and learn something new from anyone. Inspiration and insights are everywhere.

I Have a Life Other Than the Work

Elementor is my life project. I’ve hardly had a vacation since we launched Elementor. I don’t have a lot of free time. The little spare time I have I like to read management and marketing books. I also enjoy playing Lego with my kids.

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