Marius Vetrici of WPRiders

Marius Vetrici – Founder of WPRiders

March 19, 2024 / Agencies / 0 comments

I am Marius Vetrici, founder of WPRiders and SubscriptionForce, a digital strategist and entrepreneur recently moved to Switzerland. Growing up in a middle-class family, education was always emphasized as the key to unlocking doors to the future.

My mother and my grandmother encouraged us a lot to study and work hard. After completing my bachelor’s degree in Business Informatics, I ventured further to acquire a master’s in Project Management and later a PhD in Project Management.

My childhood was filled with curiosity for programming various devices and, some years later, a real computer. These early experiences paved the way for my career.

The Journey Began

Before discovering WordPress, I ran a product company for 10 years, and this was a mix of experimentation with .NET, document management platforms, and inventory management software. 

Later, I dabbled in HTML, CSS, and PHP and started freelancing on Codeable and creating websites. My search for a flexible and user-friendly CMS led me to WordPress in 2008 when I started my first entrepreneurship blog.

Its open-source nature, extensive plugin ecosystem, and supportive community made it the clear choice for me. 

I chose WordPress for its adaptability and have stuck with it because of its continual evolution and the opportunities it has provided me.

The Need for WPRiders

WPRiders Logo

The idea for WPRiders was born out of a desire to offer more personalized and strategic WordPress solutions to businesses and entrepreneurs. It grew on the back of the former freelancing business.

Despite the presence of competitors, I saw a gap in the market for services that went beyond basic development to include strategic consulting and tailored solutions. 

WPRiders differentiates itself by focusing on reliability (accountability is our company’s value #1), and on strategic partnerships with our clients, helping them not just to build websites but to grow their online presence effectively.

The biggest challenge in founding WPRiders was building a team that shared the same vision and commitment to excellence. The proudest moment came when we got our first 100 five-star reviews, exceeding our client’s expectations and solidifying our reputation in the market.

Besides WPRiders, we have a separate line of business focusing on WordPress plugins. Among them, we have:

Myself with my Brilliant Team

Our team works fully remotely from 8 different countries, and we meet once a year for a team building:

Marius with Team

Advice for Business Owners

For those looking to start their own business, my advice is to find a niche you are passionate about and where you can be different and better than your competitors.

Whether it’s an agency, blogging, hosting, or developing WordPress themes/plugins, success comes from specializing and becoming the go-to expert in that area. 

You have to be known for something, or otherwise, you’ll be known for nothing.

WordPress & Beyond

Our plans for growing WPRiders involve expanding our services to include cloud solutions and AI-driven components and enhancing our strategic consulting offerings. 

I see WordPress continuing to dominate as a CMS in the next five years, with an increased focus on headless CMS architectures and integration capabilities. 

The main threat to WordPress could come from newer, more flexible platforms that emphasize speed and user experience, but the strength of the WordPress community and its open-source model provides a solid foundation for future growth.

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My Love for the WordPress Community

I regularly attend WordCamps. As for meetups, for 5 years, I’ve been the host and one of the volunteers who grew the Bucharest meetup to 1000+ members.

These events are invaluable for networking, learning from peers, and staying updated on the latest trends and innovations in the WordPress ecosystem. They also offer a chance to give back through contributions and sharing knowledge.

My best friends within the WordPress community are those who challenge me, share insights, and collaborate on projects.

How I Keep Myself Updated

To stay updated, I read a variety of blogs and newsletters. As for books, I have just finished Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders, which is probably one of the best books on practical leadership.

I Have a Life Other Than the Work

I love spending time with my kids or playing computer games with them. 🙂

Practicing Vipassana meditation on a daily basis is very useful because it helps keep one’s mind balanced and remain more focused.

Holidays are our favorite time of the year when we meet with our extended family and spend time together.

And yes, we do have a lovely cat. Our whole family is absolutely in LOVE with Jolie-Boba


I Reward Myself by 

Family board game time and a good bike ride or mountain hike are everything that I need to recharge.

Mountain Bike

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You can always get in touch with me over:

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