nirav mehta of storeapps

Nirav Mehta – Founder of StoreApps

May 15, 2024 / Agencies, Plugins / 0 comments

I am Nirav Mehta, the founder of StoreApps. I’m from Mumbai, India. StoreApps specializes in developing WooCommerce extensions specifically designed for medium-sized online stores. 

The goal is to help these businesses succeed by enabling them to increase their revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and save time managing their online stores.

The Journey Began

Before WordPress, my digital life involved various activities related to computers. I had a passion for technology from a young age, which led me to participate in a competition organized by Microsoft. 

I was fortunate enough to win and even got the opportunity to meet Bill Gates and visit the Microsoft headquarters. While I was initially planning to pursue an MBA, I had an encounter with someone who wanted to start an IT company. 

Considering my prior experience in internet-related ventures, including starting India’s first electronic magazine and building websites for clients, I agreed to join them. So, prior to WordPress, we were engaged in website development and helping clients solve their online challenges.

Incidentally, we had even developed our own content management system (CMS) before WordPress. However, when I wanted to create a personal blog, I found WordPress to be the ideal solution and began using it.

The Need for “StoreApps”

StoreApps Logo

Recognizing the potential business opportunities surrounding WordPress, particularly in the e-commerce space, we founded StoreApps and leveraged our previous experience to adapt our existing product, originally designed for WP eCommerce, to fit the WordPress ecosystem.

Our transition to WooCommerce was seamless as we embraced the Blue Ocean strategy, focusing on an untapped market. While we have faced challenges, such as product and name copying, as well as unethical practices, it’s all part of being in business. 

At StoreApps, our primary focus is on WooCommerce, and we have developed popular extensions such as Smart Coupons and Affiliate for WooCommerce

Additionally, we are official WooCommerce partners and offer other products like Icegram for email marketing and on-site communication, as well as Putler, an e-commerce analytics SaaS.

Advice for Business Owners

My advice to them is don’t start a business just because you’re seeing other people succeed in that category. You want to look within; you want to look at what you will do better, what real problem you will solve for customers, and then start that business.

When you start a business or create a new product, you usually only see a small part of the whole picture, like the tip of an iceberg. The majority of what you need to know or consider is hidden beneath the surface, just like most of an iceberg is underwater.

WordPress & Beyond

My plans to grow the business revolve around various aspects. We are currently experiencing growth in terms of team expansion and improving our product portfolio.

We are putting a significant focus on marketing initiatives and enhancing our internal processes, taking advantage of the maturity we have achieved as a business. 

Additionally, we aim to nurture the growth of the second level of leadership within our organization. As a result, I am now able to step back from the day-to-day operations, confident in our capable team’s ability to manage the business effectively. This trajectory of growth is what we intend to continue.

In terms of WordPress’s future over the next five years, I am extremely positive and optimistic. I envision even greater adoption of WordPress by prominent names and organizations. 

WordPress is already evolving, and I expect it to become even more common among a diverse range of users. The focus will increasingly shift towards the solutions created using WordPress and how the different pieces fit together seamlessly. Overall, I firmly believe that WordPress has a bright future.

While there will always be competitors in any industry, I do not consider them as significant threats. In fact, I view competition as an opportunity

The presence of competitors validates the market and demonstrates its potential. If we maintain a substantial market share and remain attentive to customer needs and market trends, we will continue to thrive.

The key lies in actively listening to our customers and staying responsive to the market. As long as we remain customer-centric and attentive, I am confident that we will overcome any challenges posed by competitors.

I envision WordPress experiencing even greater adoption and evolution in the coming years. While competitors exist, I see them as opportunities for validation and growth. By staying customer-focused and responsive, we will continue to succeed in the dynamic landscape of WordPress and beyond.

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My Love for the WordPress Community

Nirav Mehta at WordCamp with Mustaasam

Attending WordCamps and WordPress meetups is a significant part of my engagement with the WordPress community. These gatherings feel like school reunions to me, and I cherish the friendships I have made through them. 

WordCamps provides a welcoming and open environment where even newcomers can approach anyone to learn and connect. I make it a point to attend as many WordCamps as possible, as they offer valuable opportunities for growth and networking.

Among my closest friends in the WordPress community are Rahul Bansal from rtCamp, Sujay Pawar from Brainstorm Force, Bhavesh from Templatic, Vishal Kothari from Tyche, Rohan from Wisdam Labs, and Karthik Magapu from Cyberchimps

We have shared a long journey together, supporting each other through ups and downs. I have also formed strong friendships with individuals outside of India. 

While there are many inspiring individuals within the community, I believe the stories of these individuals, if shared on WP Founders, can provide immense value and motivation to others.

How I Keep Myself Updated

To keep myself updated with WordPress and the industry, I rely on various channels of information. I stay connected with people, subscribe to newsletters, and follow relevant websites. 

Being actively engaged in the market allows me to listen to customers and gather valuable insights. Additionally, my team plays a crucial role in keeping me updated and informed.

Their input and knowledge contribute to our collective effort to stay current and informed about the latest developments in WordPress and the industry.

I Have a Life Other Than the Work

During my free time, I engage in various activities that I enjoy. Reading is one of my passions, and I dedicate time to expanding my knowledge through books. 

Fitness is also an important aspect of my life, and I prioritize maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Spending quality time with my family is a priority, and we often engage in playing board games together. 

Additionally, I have a keen interest in game design and have even created some games myself. Meditation is another practice I incorporate into my routine for personal well-being.

When it comes to holidays, I love to travel and explore new destinations. Every summer, I embark on longer vacations that span around a month or a month and a half. 

This allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the experience and spend valuable time together as a family. As for my favorite travel destination, it varies as I enjoy discovering new places and regions.

I Reward Myself by

I think that is something that I’m not very good at. Because I’m quite driven. So when something is completed, I already have the next thing online. I think I do not distinguish between work and reward because work itself is a reward.

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