Amit Keren of Unlimited Elements

Amit Keren – Founder of Unlimited Elements

August 29, 2021 / Plugins / 2 comments

I am Amit Keren, 36 Years old, married with 2 children. I grew up in the USA in Denver Colorado and moved to Israel when I was 12. Since I was a child I have loved graphic design. I was using Corel Draw when it first came out and created websites in raw HTML before there were any CMS’s like today.

In 2010 I started learning Visual Communications but I wasn’t such a good student since it’s hard for me to learn in a classroom. I got really bad grades since I was bored all the time and was never focused.

I prefer to consume information and knowledge from YouTube, social networks, webinars, and online courses where I can jump between chapters and learn at a pace that is more suitable for me.

Today I am a lecturer in some of the most popular and leading colleges in our country (Israel).

The Journey Began

Before creating digital products for WordPress I was a UX/UI designer in a startup company that made software for cinema venues. I was working really long hours and took on more and more responsibilities as time went by.

I created the company’s first website in static HTML and very fast I understood I needed to learn a CMS framework to let the company members edit the content themselves.

As part of my job, I taught myself how to convert static HTML into a dynamic WordPress website. The process was so fun that I decided to become a freelancer and start creating websites for clients using WordPress.

After quitting my JOB I flew to India with my laptop to take a break from the stressful day-to-day life I had in a growing startup company. Soon enough, even though I was on vacation, I found myself creating websites using WordPress while I was traveling to India in the most breathtaking locations.

I even created a website as a donation to my Yoga teacher in India, that is an experience I will never forget. It’s amazing how you can be on holiday and still earn money doing stuff you love in your own time and get compensated so much more.

While creating websites for clients I found many tools I was missing and I connected to an awesome programmer from Israel (Maxim Vendrov) which filled in the gap I was missing to create WordPress plugins. We teamed up and started creating the first plugin that would generate a passive income for us.

The Need for Unlimited Elements

Unlimited Elements Logo
Unlimited Elements Logo

We have actually been in the game for a long time. Before we created unlimited elements for Elementor we had a different plugin on code canyon for a different page builder. The shift from WPBakery to Elementor was easy for us since when we created the widget pack we had in mind that we wanted it to fit any page builder without so many changes.

At the end of the day, all page builders in the WordPress community work very similarly and we might also support other page builders in the future like Gutenberg or Divi for example.

We have had many products for WordPress in the past and each product that we make is better than the previous ones since we always learn from our mistakes and experiences.

At first, we wanted to make the biggest widget pack for Elementor and we succeeded to do so, as the time came by we learned that quality is more important than quantity and now we put all our focus on improving our existing widgets per our user requests.

When we now decide to add a new widget to our widget pack it’s only after we are sure that there is a real user need for it and that we can give an outstanding and better experience with its release.

Currently, we are putting all our focus on Unlimited Elements and have no other products. We did start working on a new top-secret project which is going to change the game of how people build websites but we will release it only at the end of 2021 so stay tuned.

Myself with my Brilliant Team

Team Unlimited Elements
Amit Keren, Maxim Vendrov, & Irit Mejibovsky

Advice for Business Owners

My advice is always the same for anyone wanting to do something new or learn something new. DO WHAT YOU LOVE! Do something you love so much that you don’t even notice that time is going by. Do something that you are patient about and makes you excited.

Don’t do anything just to earn more money or because you think it’s trendy or the right thing to do. Find something that makes you enjoy life and the financial side will come naturally if you are true to yourself.

For choosing a niche, my belief is that before creating a plugin or theme you should always experience the tools yourself by creating real websites. Only once you create multiple websites you’ll understand what tools people need to create better websites faster.

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WordPress & Beyond

We plan on making Unlimited Elements better every day as time goes by until it will be the most essential tool that any website builder will always want to install while creating a website with Elementor.

Hopefully, in Five years unlimited elements will be the best third-party plugin for Elementor. We never think about threats, we only think about opportunities. If you are creative enough and are not trying to imitate what others do. Users will value your creative solutions and prefer the real thing.

My Love for the WordPress Community

Meeting colleagues at meetups is one of the most fun things there is to do. We love being involved and learning from others as well as contributing ourselves if it is as speakers in meetups or even hosting our own.

The relationships you build in real life and not through emails or chat are the most valuable ones. Sometimes good deals and partnerships can grow stronger from having a shot of tequila together rather than another attractive business proposition.

One of the people who I most admire and who helped me the most is Vova Feldman, the owner of freemius.com which is the platform we use to sell our plugin.

When we first signed up to the platform we didn’t realize that we would get such amazing assistance from him. Right away he set up a meeting with us and shared some amazing tips that helped us grow so much faster than we ever imagined. I will forever be grateful for his kindness and being so open to sharing and always help when needed.

One of our biggest inspirations is Yoni Luksenberg – Co-founder of Elementor because we are from the same country and our product is for Elementor. Not only this, I love everything about their product, and marketing is so amazing.

How I Keep Myself Updated

To keep updated I have two tips.

  1. Meet and talk to as many people as possible. You have something to learn from everyone. You never know how big of trees will come out from the seeds you plant today. Sometimes you might come out of a meeting feeling it was meaningless but later on some amazing connections and ideas can come out from it.
  2. Sign up for as many newsletters and resources as possible. For someone like me who wants to consume their knowledge on the fly, this is one of the most powerful tools to gain knowledge and stay in the trend loop.

I Have a Life Other Than the Work

In my free time, I love spending time with my family and traveling with them. We even have a small travel blog on Instagram.

Usually, on holidays we like traveling abroad. In our country, everything is jammed and packed so we like running away to a different country where it’s not a holiday and go sightseeing.

One of our favorite destinations is Italy. We love the food and culture there. It’s also not too far away from our country and also my brother lives there so it’s a great opportunity to meet him.

I Reward Myself by

I love going to escape rooms. For me, it’s an adventure and it also makes your brain work.

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  • Get 20% off on Unlimited Elements using this code: WPdiscounts


Spread The Love!


  • Thank you Amit for sharing these excellent tips regarding creating website templates using WP.

  • Absolutely awesome advice here. Being passionate about your business makes time dissolve into the moment. From there, success will follow as you patiently create and connect.

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